Cancellations Policy
If for any reason you wish to cancel your order for Goods you must advise us no later than 24 hours after the initial order date. Any amounts paid for orders cancelled after this timescale will not be refundable. Any cancellation received after the goods have been cut cannot be accepted.
Returns Policy
The Axminster Carpets Factory Outlet will issue a full refund if you change your mind or decide the flooring is not what you were looking for, only within 7 days of receiving your order. The 7-day cooling off period is the standard set by the European Union with which we are morally and legally obliged to adhere to.
To claim your refund all returned goods must be in their original sealed packaging and returned in the condition that they were delivered to you. No refund can be given for any damaged items.
For this reason we recommend you take out appropriate insurance on the goods that you are returning to us. Please note you are responsible for all costs relating to the return of goods unless the return relates to a manufacturing issue. Specific items are excluded from our returns policy; these include special size items and custom made items. We do not accept the return of part orders. Please contact us on +44 (0)1297 33993 if you have any queries with reference to our Returns and Cancellation Policy. All returns must be sent to; Axminster Carpets Factory Outlet, Musbury Road, Axminster, Devon, EX13 8TJ.
Product Guarantee
- If after delivery Goods are believed to be faulty or damaged then we will arrange for them to be inspected by us and if found to be so we will repair or replace the goods where possible, or offer you compensation to keep the keep the goods in their current condition. The time limit for making claims for faulty Goods is 12 months from the date of delivery unless the fault could not have been discovered on you undertaking a reasonable inspection of the Goods within this time period, in which case you will have 14 days from discovery of the fault.
- As a Consumer, there are certain terms implied into your agreement with us, which we cannot exclude or limit. For example, under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) we must ensure that the Goods are of satisfactory (merchantable) quality. These Terms and Conditions do not affect these statutory rights.
Why buy from us?